THE CASENTINO.  One of Tuscany's best kept secrets. In fact, one of Italy's best kept secrets.
Valleys and forests and castles and mills and centuries and mysteries. Here's your chance to spend a week in this magical area of Eastern Tuscany in the company of interesting people, with great food & wine and company, whilst taking a giant step forward in your writing.
See Lisa Clifford's article below. This year's course was full. Don't miss out for 2014.

My dream for years was to organise a retreat for writers in my adopted home, Tuscany. I had already published three books, had a fourth on the way and a movie in the pipeline. It was definitely time to give something back. Firstly, to others who dream of becoming published writers and secondly to the mountains of Tuscany, the place that helped make all my dreams come true.
The idea was to design a programme that I personally would love to do, something that offered a special kind of withdrawal into a creative space. Lots of lectures from published writers and fabulous teachers, professionals who are particularly good at evaluating what you've written. A writers retreat that offered time to learn, time to create and exceptional private time to chat with authors who’ve made their mistakes and subsequently wanted to share how to avoid the common and not-so-common problems of working with the written word.
Several writers, along with a British Creative Writing teacher that I have worked with in the past, agreed to join me for five days of lectures. We learn in the morning, write in the afternoons and have guest speakers at night. As time goes on, more writers and creative writing teachers have joined my team.
The Art of Writing runs always in the second week of June and the second week of September. We book out an entire Tuscan agriturismo (Italian run family farms that by law have to provide 50% of local produce on their tables) with ten apartments, for ten writers. The Art of Writing groups are small and intimate, ideal for nurturing and encouraging each other.
Here is a short video of the 2013 Art of Writing. I hope it helps you think about your dream and how you too can make it come true.